Technicians and associate professionals

Da TecnoLogica.

Gruppo di professioni codicizzato con il numero 3 da ISCO-08


Technicians and associate professionals perform mostly technical and related tasks connected with research and the application of scientific or artistic concepts and operational methods, and government or business regulations. Most occupations in this major group require skills at the third ISCO skill level. Tasks performed by technicians and associate professionals usually include: undertaking and carrying out technical work connected with research and the application of concepts and operational methods in the fields of physical sciences including engineering and technology, life sciences including the medical profession, and social sciences and humanities; initiating and carrying out various technical services related to trade, finance, administration, including administration of government laws and regulations, and to social work; providing technical support for the arts and entertainment; participating in sportiing activities; executing some religious tasks. Supervision of other workers may be included.
Occupations in this major group are classified into the following sub-major groups:

  • 31 Science and engineering associate professionals
  • 32 Health associate professionals
  • 33 Business and administration associate professionals
  • 34 Legal, social, cultural and related associate professionals
  • 35 Information and communications technician

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