
Da TecnoLogica.

Categoria di professioni codicizzate con il numero 7121 da ISCO-08.


Roofers build and repair roofs on all types of buildings using one or more kinds of materials.
Tasks include:

  1. studying drawings, specifications and construction sites to determine materials required;
  2. covering roof frameworks with slate and pre-fabricated tiles to cover pitched roofs;
  3. laying a waterproof shield and fixing metallic or synthetic materials to a building’s frame;
  4. sizing and cutting roofing materials to fit around edges corners and protuberances such as chimney.
  5. using natural materials such as thatching to provide roof coverings;
  6. creating temporary structures such as scaffolding and ladders.

Examples of the occupations classified here:

  • Asphalt Roofer
  • Metal Roofer
  • Slate Roofer
  • Tile Roofer
  • Roof fixer
  • Thatcher

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