Floor layers and tile setters

Da TecnoLogica.

Categoria di professioni codicizzate con il numero 7122 da ISCO-08.


Floor layers and tile setters install, maintain and repair flooring, and cover floors, walls and other surfaces with tiles or mosaic panels for decorative or other purposes.
Tasks include:

  1. preparing floor areas for covering with a variety of materials;
  2. assembling carpet, tiles or other materials and laying them on floors according to design and other specifications;
  3. preparing wall areas for covering with tiles or other materials for decorative or other purposes such as acoustic insulation;
  4. setting tiles and constructing and laying mosaic panels to walls, floors and other surfaces.

Examples of the occupations classified here:

  • Parquetry worker
  • Marble setter
  • Tile setter
  • Carpet layer

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