Building construction labourers

Da TecnoLogica.

Categoria di professioni codicizzate con il numero 9313 da ISCO-08.


Building construction labourers perform routine tasks in connection with building construction and demolition work. Tasks include:

  1. cleaning used building bricks and doing other simple work on demolition sites;
  2. mixing pouring and spreading materials such as concrete, plaster and mortar
  3. digging and filling holes and trenches using hand held tools;
  4. spreading sand, soil, gravel and similar materials;
  5. loading and unloading construction materials, excavated material and equipment and transporting them around construction sites using wheelbarrows, hods and hand trucks;
  6. cleaning work sites and removing obstructions.

Examples of the occupations classified here:

  • Bricklayer's assistant
  • Construction labourer (building work)
  • Demolition Labourer
  • Hod carrier

Some related occupations classified elsewhere:

  • Bricklayer - 7112
  • House builder - 7111
  • Building wrecker - 7119

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